A dozen people have discovered three exciting projects from the Punt TIC Smartcentre de Santa Bàrbara, the Punt TIC Servei Municipal d’Ocupació de Girona and 'V-Tools'. Discover more!

Virtual meeting image
Virtual meeting image. 2024. Font: Xarxa Punt TIC. License: All rights reserved.

Last Tuesday, February 20, the community of the Xarxa Punt TIC, facilitators and managing entities, had the opportunity to learn firsthand three exciting projects in the framework of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, which was commemorated on February 11, and Women's Day, which will be commemorated on March 8. Specifically, the second virtual meeting of the year 2024 had a dozen people participating, among them, Mercè Font from the Punt TIC Smartcentre de Santa Bàrbara, Ariadna Micó from the Punt TIC Servei Municipal d’Ocupació de Girona and Albert González from the project 'V-Tools'.

In the first place, Mercè Font del Punt TIC Smartcentre de Santa Bàrbara intervened, who presented the 'Necesser TIC' and explained that the main objective of the project was to help break culturally and historically imposed gender stereotypes and that above all in the field of technology they discriminated and harmed the role of women. Font invited everyone to replicate the 'Necesser TIC' in their territories.

In the second place, Ariadna Micó of the Punt TIC Servei Municipal d’Ocupació de Girona intervened, who presented the Week of Women and Girls in Science and stated that more than a dozen had been scheduled activities to debate, to raise awareness and to contribute to equality. Micó pointed out that the initiative had focused on the promotion of STEAM vocations (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) and that it had particularly claimed the letter 'A' (Art). Micó also shared the 'Ciència amb Denominació d’Origen Girona. Les nostres veïnes, les nostres científiques' which had wanted to give visibility to women scientists in the city of Girona. Finally, Albert González from 'V-Tools' intervened, who presented 'V-Tools' and commented that the initiative sought to prevent cyberbullying and sexist violence, as well as to deal with the normalization of violence to society González explained that the digital social innovation project was betting on the use of virtual reality and that it was open to collaborations.