The initiative arises from the desire to contribute to the care of the environment and to favor the promotion of employment opportunities for people at risk of social exclusion. Discover more!

The Associació Social Andròmines promotes an exciting project that seeks to give a second life to mobile phones, tablets and computers. The successful initiative arises from the desire to contribute to the care of the environment and to favor the promotion of employment opportunities for people at risk of social exclusion. Therefore, the team, which is made up of fifteen people who carry out a process of social and labor insertion, is responsible for carefully examining each technological device, from smartphones to laptops, and restoring it ensuring its maximum potential. "Once the devices arrive at our facilities, we divide the technological devices between those that are capable of being refurbished, which go to the preparation workshop for reuse, and those that are not, which go to the recycling area. Devices in good condition can be used for parts or as equipment, although they may have a new use different from the one they were used to", says Núria Sau, project director of the Associació Social Andròmines.

In this regard, the Associació Social Andròmines explains that the impact of the project throughout the year 2022 was 27 tons of electrical and electronic devices, mainly mobile phones, tablets and computers. "A very important part of the refurbished computers are transferred to the facilities that the Xarxa Òmnia has in the penitentiary centers of Catalonia, where an ICT dynamist person then uses them to work on digital literacy, digital training and digital culture with internal people", points out Sau.