XI Cycle ICT and Prison
XI Cycle ICT and Prison. Author: Pexels. 2020. License: BY-SA.

This year, the ICT and Prison Cycle will focus on the digital innovations that have been carried out during the pandemic and that are revolutionizing ICT in prisons. In the program, different experts will talk about the potential of videoconferences, access to ICT and new proposals based on robotics and virtual reality with talks aimed at professionals in the prison field, criminal enforcement in general and Juvenile Justice, and others. interested people.

The Punt TIC and Òmnia penitentiary centers have allowed for years to carry out projects for the development of ICT skills of the internal population and, in recent months, the context of the pandemic has further reinforced the importance of ICT tools, as is the case with videoconferences, which have opened up new possibilities for people's communication, learning and participation in different areas of society.

Program and registration

10-10.15 h Inauguration

Núria Clèries Nerín
Director of the Center for Legal Studies and Specialized Training (CEJFE)
Amand Calderó Montfort
Secretary of Criminal Measures, Reintegration and Attention to Victims (SMPRAV)

10:15-11:15h Round table. Videoconferencing to prisons

Introduction to the experience of videoconferencing as a tool for inter-center communication and integration with the outside world
Julio Zino Torrazzo. Head of New projects and transversal programs of the SMPRAV

CP Brians 1: the impact of videoconferencing on family relationships
Elena Valdivieso López
ICT facilitator of CP Brians 1
Montserrat Pérez Rigol
Librarian of CP Brians 1 Interns (to be confirmed)

Exchange of experiences between CP Mujeres de Barcelona and CP Lledoners on the gender perspective
Antonia Gallego Martínez
Librarian of CP Lledoners
Fermín Santano Martínez
ICT facilitator of CP Lledoners Internos (to be confirmed)

Videoconferences the Youth CP
Pía Garrido Capisano
ICT facilitator of the CP Young Interns (to be confirmed)

11:15-11.40h Presentation. New projects: The European Semel project and news from the AlfaDigital Program
Marisa Gliosca
Nuria Sau San Luis
Respectively technical director and project director of the Andròmines Social Association
Anna Pérez Soriano
Fermin Santano Martínez
ICT facilitators of CP Lledoners

11.40-12 h Turn of words and closing
The whole session will be moderated by Xavier Gelonch Ferreira ICT facilitator CP Mas de Enric

The whole program of the day, you will find it here.

This activity is open and free. You can apply here for registration in the CEJFE until March 23rd, 2021 inclusive. If you find it difficult to apply online, you can contact AIGC-CEJFE compartimcejfe.dj@gencat.cat indicating in the subject the name of the activity to which you are applying.

This activity entitles those who have registered correctly, have received the notification of acceptance, are correctly identified on the videoconferencing platform (name and surname), and comply with 80%.